Moving in Together? How to Combine Households

So, you’re moving in with your boyfriend, girlfriend, fiancé, significant other, or love of your life? What an exciting time for you! We’re sure you’re excited about the adventures that lie ahead of you both and are realistically prepared for the compromises that go with it, too. From the nights spent eating pizza and watching Netflix to the arguments over dirty dishes – every part of living together is an adventure in itself.

If there’s one thing that we’re sure you won’t disagree on, it’s getting in touch with your favorite Dallas Movers to help with your big move!  Delicate Moving can help with all the logistics that go with moving into a new home, like packing, unpacking, transporting, and storing your belongings. But, for today, we want to switch things up and give you some of our most practical tips for couples preparing to move in together.

How to Deal with Duplicate Furniture

If you’ve both previously lived independently, chances are that you and your significant other will have some duplicate furniture on hand. It’s great to have two of some things but, when it comes to large items like wardrobes and beds, it’s not exactly practical. So, what should you do with these things?

These are your options!

Sell Half of It

It’s no secret that moving into a new apartment comes with additional financial pressures. In the early months of your move, you might have insurance payments to make, broker fees to meet and champagne to buy for your first dinner in the new abode! It makes sense, then, to take this opportunity to sell half of your old furniture for some quick cash. We suggest speaking to friends and family to see if any of them would like to take it, or posting some listings on Craigslist!

Best Choice for: Budget Conscious Couples

Put it in Storage

Sometimes the thought of selling half your furniture can feel a little bit too… real. In other cases, you might have some special pieces that you don’t want to just give up. Or maybe you and your significant other can’t decide on whose things to sell. If any of these scenarios sound familiar, we suggest putting your duplicates in storage. This way, you’ll be able to have easy access to them if your plans change, or if (touch wood! the worst happens and you decide to go your separate ways.

Luckily, we’re more than just a Dallas movers company here at Delicate Moving. We offer storage options at low monthly rates and can give you a free quote based on what you need! Get in touch with us today at (214) 390-9576 to find out more about our storage facilities.

Best Choice for: New or Unsure Couples

Leave it with a Family Member

If you’re lucky enough to have a family member with spare garage space then we recommend taking full advantage of your situation. This is the perfect solution for couples who want the additional security of having duplicate furniture, but don’t necessarily want to pay for storage space.

Best Choice for: Any Couple with this Option!

Of course, the same choice won’t apply for every single belonging you have. Sit down together and make a list of exactly what you want to store, toss, sell, and keep.

Sorting out the Little Things

In relationships, it’s very rarely the large things that cause the biggest arguments: actually, it’s often the smallest! We’re sure that you and your partner have both got little bits and bobs that you’re not sure what to do with. Maybe it’s DVDs, cocktail shakers, or self-help books. For this new chapter in your life, we recommend clearing out all the things you don’t actually need. You can either donate them to the nearest Goodwill, sell them on Ebay, or pass them on to a relative. We promise you won’t miss them too much! You’re making room for new shared possessions and memories.

Assigning Closet Space

In an ideal world, we’d all be moving into a new home with a walk in-closet that Carrie Bradshaw could only dream of. But, let’s get real, that’s not the plan for most of us. If you’re moving into an apartment with limited closet space, we recommend making a plan for sharing the space: decide where to store each person’s belongings before unpacking and head off any potential arguments.

Some people think the problems that go with sharing closet space can be solved by splitting things 50/50, but do bear in mind that not all couples have an even spread of clothes. Look at what you both actually have and see how much space each of you needs. Maybe one of you needs more hanging space for coats and dresses whereas the other needs more drawer space for t-shirts. Work out what works for you.

Also, decide where to keep seasonal clothing. You’re probably not going to need your winter coat in the height of July. Invest in some vacuum packsso that you can make more room for the things you do need.

What about the Bathroom?

The bathroom can represent a whole new minefield of unknown products and space allotment for new couples moving in together. Ladies, we’re sure there are some things in your medicine cabinet that your partner might not be too familiar with! Whether that’s super strength tampons or anti-wrinkle serum, there are probably some things you want to keep to yourself – for the first few months at least.

To get started, decide what things you can share and make a shelf for them. Most couples don’t need separate hand soap, toothpaste, or mouthwash, so those are easy things to share and put in a shared place. Try to find a space for all the things that each of you use every day as well – your cleansers, shampoos, and conditioners will fall into this category. For everything else, work out whether to keep it on shelves, in a caddy, or in your medicine cabinet – and invest in a little pouch to store all your more “personal” toiletries!

So, there you have it! We hope that this article has helped take some of the stress out of your big moving-in-together step! To make things run even more smoothly, get in touch with Delicate Moving today to sort out all the actual moving logistics. Your favorite Dallas movers are here to help so that you can focus on the fun parts of moving – like choosing a color scheme for your new bathroom and getting that champagne on ice. Moving in with your partner is a fun and exciting adventure that we’re honored to be a part of: contact us at (214) 390-9576 to get a quote and see what we can do for you!