Pet-Proof Your Apartment (5 Tips for Keeping Your Security Deposit)

Do you live in an apartment and have pets? If you’re interested in keeping your security deposit – and who isn’t? – there are a few precautions you should take to keep your apartment in great shape. Here are five tips to help you pet-proof your home so you can keep all your security deposit.

Remember, when it’s time to move out of your apartment, your landlord will likely be performing a check to determine if there has been any damage above and beyond standard use. If there are issues beyond normal wear and tear, you may lose part or all your security deposit paying to repair the damage. 

5 Easy Steps to Pet-Proof Your Home 

Here are five simple things you can do to pet-proof your home. 

1. Keep Trash Cans Covered and Behind Doors if Possible 

There are so many things inside your trash that can cause permanent stains if they happen to be dragged out by inquisitive dogs or cats. Keep your trash bin in a closet if possible so pets won’t be tempted to get into the trash. If you don’t have a closet, at least keep a lid on your bin. 

If your pet gets into the trash, they could cause irreparable damage to carpets or other surfaces. This simple precaution could save you a lot of inconvenience.

2. Keep Wires and Other Electronics Hidden or Out of Reach

It’s good pet parenting to keep wires away from pets, as chewing on them could cause serious damage and maybe even be fatal for some pets. 

In addition to being unsafe for your pet, broken or frayed wires can cause burn marks on outlets and walls requiring costly repair. Invest in some wire organizers and cord covers to keep everything tidy and securely out of the way.

3. Stay Safe with Flames 

Candles, incense, and other types of flames can cause major damage to a home. 

Always practice fire safety when using these items. Keep the following considerations in mind when burning something, especially where pets and children are involved: 

  • Make sure you never leave a room where something is burning. 
  • Always put out a flame before you fall asleep. 
  • Keep candles or incense on a sturdy surface, out of reach of your pets. 
  • Don’t allow your pets to walk on surfaces where candles or incense are placed, like tables and counters. 
4. Clean Rugs Regularly   

Rugs can collect pet fur and dander so vacuuming regularly is important. You should also shampoo your rugs occasionally, and spot clean when your cat throws up a hairball or your dog has an accident before he can get outside to do his business. 

Regularly shampooing your rugs will maintain their quality and extend their use. It’s worth it to check in with your landlord to see if they’ll cover the cost, or if they have an arrangement with a local carpet cleaning service that gives their tenants a discount. 

5. Check for Pet Accidents Daily 

No matter how diligent you are about a cleaning routine, pets can still make a mess in a place you don’t see. Check daily for pet accidents on all surfaces, from hairballs in the corner to pee puddles on the carpet to litter tracked outside the litter box. 

There are two reasons this level of vigilance is important: one, you don’t want to leave messes in your home that could spread germs, bacteria, or cause damage. Two, you don’t want your pet creating a habit out of an accident. 

Get Your Whole Security Deposit 

If you pet-proof your home, there’s a better chance you’ll be able to get your full security deposit back when you move. Make sure you have a plan to maintain your home or apartment when you live with pets, and enjoy the peace of mind this affords. 

Need help moving in or out of an apartment? Contact Delicate Moving today