Useful Tips for Moving Into a Storage Unit

Getting organized or getting ready to move can be an overwhelming task when you have a lot of items you don’t know what to do with. In these cases, getting a storage locker can be a great option for sorting out your belongings. Not only do storage lockers hold the things that you’d like to keep, but it will also free up necessary space for long-or short-term needs. 

Finding the Right Storage Space

When you decide that a storage unit is the right move for you and your family, the next step will be finding the right place to store your items. 

Don’t wait until the last minute to find the right storage space. Your storage unit will need to be the right price, size, location, and convenience level for your needs. If you wait too long, you might not be able to find the storage most suitable to your needs and at the price point you prefer. 

Luckily, Delicate Moving offers safe, secure, and reliable storage services for the Dallas-Fort Worth area. We provide private containerized storage in our access-controlled warehouse. Our units are environmentally controlled, and we keep detailed inventories of every item and its condition that you store with us.

Once you’ve selected where to store your stuff, make sure you know how much storage you need. Take an inventory of what you’ll be storing.

What to Pack, What not to Pack

After you find a storage locker that fits your needs, the next step will be deciding what you’d like to pack and what should not be packed. Remembering a few (or all) of these tips will save you from headaches and heartache with your future storing adventures:

  • pack anything perishable;
  • pack certain valuable items;
  • pack anything wet; or
  • pack anything with sensitive, or private material in it.
  • pack non-sensitive old papers and documents away;
  • pack books that you want to keep;
  • pack memorabilia that has nostalgic value;
  • pack anything you haven’t used within the last year; or
  • pack furniture that you’re not currently using.

Organizing Your Items

As you are getting your items ready to pack, follow some simple steps that will help even the most unorganized person become a little more organized.

  1. Make a list of everything you are planning to pack.
  2. Use see-through storage containers (when appropriate).
  3. Don’t leave anything unprotected—pad your delicate items and wrap your furniture. 
  4. Clearly label all of your boxes.
  5. Consider getting insurance on your stored items for an additional layer of protection.

Moving Day

On moving day, make sure you have everything designated for your storage space set aside and ready to be moved into the unit. Then enjoy the extra space in your home while knowing your items are carefully and safely stored until you need them again!

Give us a call at 214-390-6714 to learn more about our storage services today.