We are giving away a $250 Delicate Moving Gift Card!

That’s good towards the cost of any move with us. For some people that means your move would be completely FREE!
We are using something called Rafflecopter to power this giveaway and this is how it works.

There are many different ways to enter (listed below).
Each way to enter is worth a different amount of “points” or entries into the contest.
All of them you can only do once so it’s best to do as many as possible for your best chance to win!

Here are the ways you can enter:

1. Visit us on Facebook – worth 2 Points
2. Follow us on Twitter – worth 5 Points
2. Tweet this message – “Win $250 from @DelicateMoving – Find out how at https://delicatemoving.com/giveaway” – worth 2 Points
3. Write a testimonial about our services that we can use on our website – worth 5 points
4. Answer this question… If I could have any superpower, my superpower would be…” – worth 1 point


If you do all of these it will take you 1 minute and 15.7 seconds. We timed it.
Ok, not really. But it won’t take long and could be the easiest $250 you ever make.
Sound good?

a Rafflecopter giveaway